How do I add my medications?

Written By Candace Adcox (Super Administrator)

Updated at January 6th, 2025

Adding your medication list

The Patient Portal provides the convenience of adding your prescription medications directly within the app, making it easier for you to manage your medications.

To add your prescriptions to your account, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the Medications tab. 
  2. Select Add meds.
Lumistry medications screen
  1. Enter a recent prescription number or scan a prescription bottle using the barcode icon to link your prescriptions to your pharmacy. Once completed, select Next.
scanning prescription bottle option
  1. Our system will attempt to automatically retrieve your prescription list and determine whether the retrieval was successful or unsuccessful.

If successful: 

A complete list of your prescriptions will populate on the screen. If you are missing any medications from the list, select Add meds not on this list or select Done to return to the home screen.

Lumistry successful medications in mobile app


If unsuccessful: 

In the event that your pharmacy is unable to retrieve your prescription list automatically, you will be presented with the option to input your prescription information manually. Once confirmed, select Try again.

Lumistry unsuccessful medications in mobile app

Managing your medication list

To access your medication list, navigate to the Medications tab.

If you are a caregiver, such as a parent or guardian, and have more than one person on your account, you can select the drop-down menu at the top of the screen to switch to their medication list.

Viewing medications for caregiver in meds tab

Your prescriptions will be listed on this page by soonest available refill. Each prescription entry will contain details such as the name and dosage of the drug, the date of the last medication order, the next fill date, and whether it is set for automatic refills. 

Viewing medication list in patient portal lumistry mobile app

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